
Optimize your days with intelligent appointment scheduling

Real-time travel time calculation makes it easy to choose the best time slots for your teams and travelling partners. Your customers benefit from appointments at a given time. You make more appointments every week.

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Customer satisfaction

Offer appointments at a given time to your customers

Gain in customer satisfaction thanks to real-time appointment scheduling. Calizy immediately identifies the best available slots. Your prospects and customers make appointments at precise times which will be respected thanks to the calculation of the travel time, while optimizing the days of your itinerants.

Save time on appointments and travel

The best slots of your available resources are easily identified. Your platforms gain in performance from the first week in making appointments thanks to visual indicators to facilitate decision making. The agendas of your mobile workers are filled automatically, taking into account the travel time from the previous and next appointment. The number of appointments increases every week.

Easily integrate your business rules to facilitate the organization of your mobile workers

In addition to skills, geographical areas and travel time, Calizy takes into account the complexity of your organization. Departure and return points are customizable to perfectly reflect your teams' work days. Calizy allows you to integrate the order of priority between your employees and even your partners. Automate the allocation as close as possible to your needs.

Track the performance of your sales representatives and your field staff

Calizy dashboards allow you to measure the volume and quality of appointments on a daily basis. The realization of your appointments as well as the time taken to take charge of them are closely monitored to continue to improve the quality of your customer relations. Access to the dashboards can be customized according to the functions of each of your employees.
of productivity
of appointments
of missed appointments
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